Elite Mindset - Vol 5

Elite Mindset - Vol 5

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity.

Obsidian Elite

We have done a lot of funny stories, but today want to take the time to let you know what Obsidian means. When we think of Successful people we see Money, Confidence, able to Command any situation. We see Black (obsidian) suits, Cars, Boats, nice Houses, and people that make us slightly nervous. But majority of them didn’t start that way. They took Chances, Lived Frugal, always knew they wanted something different.

From the time we are Young, the same Routine is pushed into our Mindsets. College, Get Married, Have Kids, Good Job etc. But is that really how we want to Live? Do we really want to Live a Dream pushed on us? A Routine from generations ago, or do we want to find our own Success?

Obsidian is a Gorgeous Rock, formed when flowing Lava is suddenly Cooled. Our lives are constantly flowing, and any turn could spark that Change in us from Routine to Success. So Quit saying Work is too Busy. Quit saying don’t have the money for Vacation. Quit saying your not Smart Enough, or your Genes make it harder to get into Shape. It’s all excuses your Mind has made up to make you Comfortable, and in the same Routine!

Obsidian Newsletter want to spark Positivity, Happiness, and Change in all of us. Obsidian Health in discord, want to push everyone to be the best physically we can, and financially teach everyone how to Trade vs just alerts. This is one of the biggest goals i’ve set and what Obsidian Means to me!

Workout, Read a Book, Play with the Kids, get out of your Comfort Zone, find Success!

Meme Dump:

Stock Market Thoughts:

We got what we were looking for last week with NFLX, TSLA pulling back on earnings, causing them to wrap over the Weekly MAs. Now this week we have META, AMZN, GOOGL, MSFT, BA etc large earnings as well. We also have FOMC this week. Im expecting a solid week on earnings, with most of these not having much movement and staying around their weekly MAs. BA however could see a nice move to the upside as its been in a tight range for months. I expect their earnings to go well.

Obsidian Classes:

Classes are currently filled, have quite a few returning Class people. Wild, Tater, Nailman, JCazz, Linzy etc. Also just finished up a 1 on 1, so have one of them available also. Prices will go up in the next couple of days when I close off the Classes!



Stock Charts, Scanners, Classes, Chatroom

Elite Mindset - Vol 6

Elite Mindset - Vol 6

Elite Mindset - Vol 4

Elite Mindset - Vol 4