Elite Mindset - Vol 4

Elite Mindset - Vol 4

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity.

Dad Jokes

Last week we had a get together with 4 other Couples. Swimming, drinks, dinner and just hanging out. When it came to Dinner time, all the other Parents were struggling to get their kids to eat. My youngest was eating Broccoli, middle Child was eating his entire Dinner, and had no complaints.

Later the other Couples asked us how we did it. They said your kids always use their manners, eat their food, and are well behaved. Mind you we do nothing special at all, but my thoughts are simple. Respect and a bit of Fear.

My kids Respect that at any moment, I will Whip out some Sweet Dad Joke, and they are slightly afraid of being embarrassed. Which in turn causes them to behave. In reality Dad Jokes are my Bread and Butter, they will come out no matter what. Why? Because I’ve earned the right, and because they are freaking hilarious!

So when my kid says “Im hungry”, ill respond with “Hi Hungry I’m Dad”. When they tell me their Leg Hurts, im going to say OK let me get my saw. When im working on something and I ask for the “hammerfer”, and my kid asks “what is a hammerfer”, i’m going to respond with “to hit nails”. If I ask for the “henweigh”, and they ask “whats a henweigh”, Im obviously going to say “5-6 pounds depending on age”.

I’m going to tell my 15yr old when he’s around his friends, that he left his nightlight on, I’m going to randomly Bark in a store and Sideye my Kids like they did it. And at times when my Kids need to use the restroom, I might walk through the store saying things like “we have a live one”, or clinch up like I’m struggling to make it to the restroom on time!

Dad Jokes are earned the second you become a Dad. Kids put us through a ton of different things, so we deserve the right to make some seriously hilarious jokes from time to time!

***Now I want to hear your best Dad Jokes in the Comments of the Twitter Post!

Meme Dump:

Stock Market Thoughts:

Right now we are seeing charts still break to the upside. While we are seeing heavier sell pressure in the mornings, and into close. Midday they are able to hold off and push upwards. Tech does not look finished yet, but time to be a bit more Cautious near End of Week!

We have NFLX and TSLA earnings, which can decide a lot, would like to see gap down and recoveries on Both.

TEAM, ADBE, SNOW a few of my favorite charts. Healthcare and Oil think we see some rotation and watching COP, PXD, MRNA, AMGN still on these.

Obsidian Classes:

Classes are currently filled, have quite a few returning Class people. Wild, Tater, Nailman etc. So will be expanding what we will be going over, and will be longer than the original 4 weeks! Ill keep this up on the website through tomorrow. This is going to be a fun one!

For those Still not In Obsidian, we will be raising Prices back up! Obsidian System, is a $$ tool with our Smallcap Scanners, Options Scanners, all of our Big Board Charts that you can Download right to your TOS app to have mobile. So when your on the GO you can still pull up our Scanners, and Charts MOBILE!



Stock Charts, Scanners, Classes, Chatroom

Elite Mindset - Vol 5

Elite Mindset - Vol 5

Elite Mindset - Vol 3

Elite Mindset - Vol 3