Elite Mindset - Vol 6

Elite Mindset - Vol 6

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity.

Kids Today Cliche

Biggest thing I relearn every Summer with 3 boys, is that kids now days are incredibly Spoiled. And I know without a doubt its my fault. My office door is always open, regularly take breaks to Play, take them to do different things everyday, basically Spoil them and they have gotten used to it, but I find myself saying things my Parents used to say!

Each day they ask “What are We doing Today”, and we end up doing multiple things. Which makes me think back to My Summer’s, which were just playing around outside with the Neighborhood kids, not Waterparks, Trampoline Parks etc.

I had the same thing for Lunch everyday, Cheese Sandwich, sometimes Fancy it up with some flavored Chips in it, or a touch of relish. Yah Cheese Sandwhich, mark of the Upper Poor Class, not as bad as the kids down the street with PB&J everyday. They’d buy 1 jar of Peanut Butter for the Summer, and make different variations. PB&J, Ants on a Log, Peanut Butter and Crackers, Peanut butter on a Banana. Cheapest way to get a little protein, yah some of you are thinking back on it now and saying well Shit.

But these things are what made us who we are today. We had some struggles, learned to deal with them on our own, weren’t just handed things on a silver platter, never had the opportunity to go do something everyday so used our imaginations. Which all became critical to the way We think and do things today.

We always thought about making it, So we could Give our Kids a Good Life, but in reality that “Good Life”, doesnt expand their Minds, and allow them to Critically think. It doesn’t show them that Life is Consantly a Struggle. It does NOTHING to Prepare them!

MEME Dump:

Trader Highlights:

At this point Obsidian is a Giant Family. Many of you all have known each other for Years. And want to give some shoutouts to a few Traders.

MP - Very proud of her, she has from Day 1 asked a million questions and taken in as much as she can. The past couple of Months has really started to show how much knowledge she has, and is taking trades on her own now. And some numbers she’s putting up are bigger than most on twitter. She has transitioned more from the OTC longholds, and is trading the Midterm Options!

Nickt1 and Kingdom - Both are a bit newer to chat than most within the past year, but are slowly becoming some of the better traders ive seen. Worked with both Closely, and can tell with their Mindset from the beginning they had what it took to really catch on, and they are both becoming a couple of traders I count on as well now. They see things perfectly and now just about Confidence in themselves.

Wild, Ravens, Joe S, Tater - Allstars that answer questions from everyone, and have a ton of Knowledge!

Stock Market Thoughts:

From NFLX, TSLA, BA etc have spotted the moves on earnings, mainly because Market is doing what we laid out. BA massive winner for us, as well as some small caps this week!

Going into end of Month im expecting a lot of chop, looking at them closing out monthly candles strong in these ranges, but you can see the weakness slowly flowing into the markets here. I expect August to be more of an inside Month, with a lot of names pulling back, and a lot more volatility. So stay cautious, dont position heavy until we see the 4hr and Dailies line up.

I keep preaching the Weekly charts and so far they are doing what we want to see perfectly, which is the first move into August!


Extremely protective of all of Obsidian and the People we have, so haven’t offered a Monthly before. But for the first time we are for a bit. I see people all over struggling, and a few slowly reaching out. So will be offering it for a few here and allowing some new people in to Join us all



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Elite Mindset - Vol 7

Elite Mindset - Vol 7

Elite Mindset - Vol 5

Elite Mindset - Vol 5