Elite Mindset - Vol 21

Elite Mindset - Vol 21

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity. BE ELITE!

Rant Time

The past few years people are ready to fight about anything, and politics is the biggest issue. I know I said this will be Politics free newsletter, but honestly some controversy is good. Yesterday I posted my view that Abbott was right on the Border. Others argued that the way to obtain citizenship isn’t realistic (agree), that Northern states are doing the morally correct thing, while Southern states take no responsibility, and even that I supported harming children.

My views are simple, we have Legal, and Illegal crossings. Realistic ways of obtaining citizenship should be the argument here, not on where to cross. We currently have NYC, Chicago and other Cities, overwhelmed with illegal immigrants, shutting down schools to house them, and in turn causing US Citizens to not only foot the bill, but relocate schools and resources? So current citizens who have done everything correctly, are displaced because people wanted to flock in illegally? To those people would it be fair for the government to come in, take the home you worked for, and turn it into housing? Because that is what happened to school children, and others. We punish our own Citizens, and then call them racists, child killers, no morale when they want to keep what they have Legally worked for.

And supporting killing Children? No I don’t support that, and don’t support all these parents who are bringing their children and putting them into danger to try and cross rivers, mountains, and into harm. The fact is we are seeing elevated levels of drugs, kidnappings etc, and will do what I need to protect my children, even if that’s speaking up. I have seen my oldest go through losing a friend to drugs a year ago. And I will support keeping our Children safe, pushing towards reform of Citizenship, but keeping the border SECURE at the same time!


Stock Market Thoughts:

Guess whose back….OTC! We are seeing for the first time in what feels like forever, some OTCs getting larger moves and continuing. This is something I see continuing. 2014-2015 most of us who were around remember it as some great years, but it was lower $ amount and a lot more tickers. One big thing that you can see changing out there, is people letting go of the “going to $1” mentality, and finally seeing OTC for what the vast majority of it is. Something smallcaps recognize, a trading vehicle. Whether its a daytrade, week trade, or month trade majority of these all follow same pattern, so ride the chart, take profit and watch for the next.

Smallcaps - These continue to be hot, have had some slower days but as a whole there are opportunities all around, i do think we see them slow down slightly coming up, but still will have plenty of opps.

Options - Last week was wild, we had a lot of solid calls, ended the week green but didn’t trade perfectly to plan. Biggest thing we are seeing is a lot of bigger tech indicators are flashing signs of a pullback, but price action so far hasn’t showed it at all. Market atm looks like it is trying to get one last hard pop, before peeling back a bit. I dont think we see a hard crash coming into play atm, and do think we see new highs with how everything is laid out.


Adding this section and will keep updating, I will only include stocks that I think look solid! Do what you want with the info!

SDRC: Has watched as PUMA has slowly tried to box price in here, causing stock to slide down a bit. I’ve been around a long time and will say this is the most annoying market maker. He will box price in for long periods, and not much you can do about it, but when he lets go price can get crazy. SDRC has become a staple of the OTC, and reason being its an actual success story. The past few years this has went from a non producing gold miner, to producing quality. Midterm see this making some nice moves. Were in demand zone levels, and im watching closely.

PAOG, NGCG: A couple lower down positions i’m holding. Both currently waiting on news/filings etc, and not sure if they will pan out. But with where they are currently trading, what they’ve done in the past, and share structure like the Risk/Reward on these 2.

NUKK: Simple one here, brought this to the community 2 years ago, before the uplist. Spent hours and hours of research on the Board Members, on their tech, and what they bring to the table, and see this as a long term growth. Issue this one has had is although they have all the right pieces in place, they are filled with Finance and Tech wizzes that haven’t fully connected with shareholders yet.

This is probably one of the Strongest teams I have seen, with some very large connections. The connections show in the Jacobi bitcoin ETF, first approved ETF in Europe, backed by Fidelity. Beyond this the DRFQ subsidiary is involved in cross border transaction, and has been growing rapidly. Much of what they do currently, has been to higher end clientele. Simple terms People with money, who want to be involved with Crypto, transfer funds between Countries easily etc. Where COIN is a place to buy/sell crypto, NUKK offers a way to transfer funds easily, and makes commission off of that, so not as drastically impacted by the price of BTC, same as on their ETF side!

Board of Directors:

Jamie Khurshid - Former Executive Director Goldman Sachs, Vice President Credit Suisse, London Stock Exchange (LSEG) etc.

Brian Schwieger - Ex head of equities at London Stock Exchange

Nicholas Gregory - VP Global Risk JP Morgan, CEO of Commerceblock

Rest of the Board all high up Finance positions, or highly involved in Crypto tech!

I want to see everyone FOLLOW NUKK and SDRC on Twitter! Show the support, let them see we are all Keeping eyes on them, and let me see who is reading the blog!



SDRC- We are in a smaller demand zone here from .28-.30. Best support still the .20, midterm see this heading back towards .50

NUKK - Getting initial bounce out of the .73-.80 zone here. Initial sell pressure after SPAC has let up, still can see a dip back into those ranges but midterm see this as a larger win.


OTC, SMallcap, Options Class is about to start. Whether you have been through them before or not, we have added another teacher, and will be running through everything at length. time to stop sitting back, relook everything over as we hunt for some otc, and learn other markets!



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Elite Mindset - Vol 22

Elite Mindset - Vol 22

Elite Mindset - Vol 20

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