Elite Mindset - Vol 10

Elite Mindset - Vol 10

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity. BE ELITE!


Growing up, I was afraid of heights. I was the type that even going to high on a Swing, would make my stomach curl. Going to the top of a 6’ ladder, legs would shake. No idea why, it was just something that happened. I would still always go on rollercoasters, climb the ladder, and do all this despite the fear.

When I turned 18, a few of my friends decided to go Skydiving right after Graduation. I talked it up, said I was in, never expecting to fully go. But then the day came, and I was trapped into either going, or looking like a Wuss. So we all went.

We got to place where we would flirt with certain death, went through the quick instructions, geared up and hopped on the plane. At this point I didn’t really have fear, as I was numb at that point, but when we got into the air they opened the door. We then lined up 1 by 1, crouched down with our toes hanging over the edge, and instantly the Fear came back, wondering what in the hell I was thinking. Before I could open my mouth to say “Not doing this”, they pushed us out the door and we were free falling.

I say all of this because it was one of the best times of my life. Even though the whole idea terrified me, once we were in Free Fall it all went away, and the thought of Conquering a fear was exhilarating. We need to conquer our fears, and enjoy what life has to offer. Constantly Grow and Move Forward!


I told you all we had an Announcement coming, and here it is. Might not be what many of you Expect but it is time to be the best versions of ourselves. Obsidian isn’t just about Trading, as we’ve said before. We also do these Newsletters to try and Inspire, as well as lift you all up and make you smile. Another thing we are getting going is our Health.

So Starting September 5th we are starting our Be ELITE challenge. It will be simple, it will combine Physical, Trading, and helping others all at once. We will be running from Sept 5th through Nov 22nd right before Thanksgiving. Each week I want to see proof of 1 workout + Cardio goal (will lay it all out in Health Tab). Starting in November, we will have our Trading Goal, where I want to see proof that you know how to use our System, and can trade it on your own. The Elite Challenge, will cost $30 towards helping others. This last part will be on your own, how you determine. As you saw in a Last Blog, one of our Traders spent money on giving food to people who needed it. I want the same from all of you. $30 however you choose, whether its tipping a Waitress larger, buying a meal for those in Need, whatever you decide over the next few months!


Be ELITE Cont:

At the end of the Be ELITE Challenge, if you show me you succeeded in all 3 we have a few things we will be sending out. Everyone who Completes this, will receive a Blue Obsidian Stone, Black Obsidian Stone, Obsidian Waterbottle, Tshirt, and Backpack! The Top 3 will have flights, hotel, and Golf paid for on our Upcoming Obsidian Meetup in March (more info soon on this).

We know Sept till Nov will be tough, and expect some slipups, bad meals, partying, etc. Don’t feel pressured to diet, or fully transform how you do things. I know I personally will have meals, drinks etc that will interfere. The main Objective is to see Change, and be the best version of ourselves! Top 3 wont be decided strictly on these either, there will be other things such as a Top Setup posted in Chat, and liking Tweets! Each will earn points Ill be calculating!

Blue Obsidian - Mental Clarity, Calmness, and Communication. All 3 needed to be successful.

Black Obsidian - Courage, Strength, Clears Negative Energy. Needed to Conquer Fears.

Obsidian - When flowing lava is suddenly cooled Obsidian Forms. A sudden change bringing Mental Clarity, Courage, and Strength can make us Elite!

(Top 3 for the Golf Outing will be for yearly + members, but everyone monthly etc will get the rest if completed!)

Stock Market Thoughts:

Markets have fallen hard the past few weeks, we are pushing through weekly MAs, and dipped under the 4374 level on ES last week. This is not a good look on many tech charts, or SPY etc. This week for markets to stabilize, they will need to open above 4374 and push back above 4450, followed by a strong week into end of August. We currently have weeklies wrapping over the top, and at this time dont see much more than a bounce with these setups. Will go over more on Screenshare.


We recently started our 1 on 1 Mentorship Program, 2hr session going over Various Topics from OTC to Options, Momentum Trading to Price Action! We also restarted our Monthly Option for a short time!



Stock Charts, Scanners, Classes, Chatroom

Elite Mindset - Vol 11

Elite Mindset - Vol 11

Elite Mindset - Vol 9

Elite Mindset - Vol 9